In collaboration with our member companies, the Association builds upon Sweden’s historical roots as a powerful innovative and engineering nation. New technology, new business models will give us the tools with which to tackle the greatest challenges of our time. The Swedish engineering industry has a leading role in such developments. We strengthen competitiveness for our member companies in three main ways:
Firstly, by customising collective agreements and providing consultation and training, primarily in labour legislation and business law. Secondly, by influencing economic policy issues, in both Sweden and the EU, aiming to promote innovation and business development. This involves, for example, the conditions for education and research, in addition to attracting talented future candidates for engineering and technological educations. Thirdly, by providing our member companies with qualified financial analysis and drive opinion formation on financial issues.
Our member companies comprise both major, renowned, global corporations such as Ericsson, Scania, AFRY, ABB and Volvo, and a high number of other companies of all sizes down to the smallest companies.
One common factor for all our member companies is that they develop products and services that are world class, and that almost all sales take place in the face of global competition. In their efforts to solve many of the greatest challenges of our time, our members generate growth and prosperity in Sweden.
The Association comprises two employers’ organisations: Teknikarbetsgivarna (for employers of engineers) and Tekniktjänstearbetsgivarna (employers within engineering services). Each of them signs collective agreements with the leading unions within our branches of industry. One is Teknikavtalet (Collective Agreement, Engineering Company) and the other is Tekniktjänsteavtalet (Collective Agreement, Engineering Services Company).